Whistleblowing policy 

Whistleblowing Policy

Osborne Thomas Limited



Osborne Thomas Ltd was founded in 2011 to provide a range of recruitment related services to the public sector:

  • We are Fair, Open and Honest;
  • We Take Ownership; and
  • We Work Together

‘Whistleblowing’ is where an employee has reported misconducted within the organisation they are employed by.

Osborne Thomas Whistleblowing policy

Osborne Thomas LTD have created this policy to ensure that all employees feel confident, comfortable and encouraged to report any wrongdoings within the organisation.

Our employees:

  • Are aware of the escalation stages and avenues are provided to raise concerns
  • Are always given a response to any concerns raised
  • Are aware that if an investigation is carried out, full support is provided to the employee
  • Are aware that all concerns are confidential

Osborne Thomas are committed to identifying, remedying, and eradicating any wrongdoing. This applies to all levels of the workforce and any malpractice in the workplace will not be tolerated.

Any disclosure made by anyone in the organisation in bad faith or maliciously will not be tolerated and could lead to disciplinary action.

This policy has been written to take account of the Public Interest Disclosure Act 1998 which protects workers making disclosures about certain matters of concern, when those disclosures are made in accordance with the Act’s provisions and in the public interest.

All of the above are kept under review by the Directors at Osborne Thomas. 

Julie Osborne
Managing Director